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  Sneak Peek of The Raven’s Curse (The Sorcerer’s Saga, book 3)

  “Wake up.” The voice tore me from my sleep so violently I gasped. It was a voice I would dread hearing for my entire life.

  Unfortunately, when I opened my eyes, I still couldn’t see anything. “Mother?”

  “I’m surprised you remember me.”

  I couldn’t move my arms or legs, although I didn’t feel anything strapping me down. “Where are we? How did I get here?” The last thing I remembered was going to bed at Magnus’s castle.

  I felt her hand on my face and jerked automatically, but she only removed the blindfold from my eyes. I was lying on a wooden table in the basement of my mother’s house. I had only seen the basement once, because Mother didn’t allow us down there. It wasn’t used for storage or torturing people, so I couldn’t be sure what it was for. All I knew was that I didn’t want to be there.

  I was also completely paralyzed from my neck down.

  “You betrayed me, Ayden.” She was exactly as I remembered— immaculate, composed, and deadly. She was tall and thin with long, straight, black hair, cold burgundy eyes, and prominent cheekbones. Her appearance always made me think of a beautiful, venomous spider.

  “You want to kill me and take my power.”

  “That is my right. I created you and your brothers for one purpose. Your power is mine.”

  It shouldn’t have hurt; I knew she didn’t care about me. “I don’t have dark magic, and you can’t use my light magic.” I was lying; I did have some dark magic, but I hoped she didn’t know that.

  Something moved in the corner of my eye and I looked over to see my father standing near the wall behind my mother. He was halfway hidden in the shadows, but I could make out his grave expression. Actually, it was his normal expression.

  “Oh, but you’re wrong,” my mother said. “All magic is neutral in its pure form; you make it dark or light. That is the gift you have as the seventh son of the seventh son. As a child, you only used light magic, but I expected you to develop sorcery on your own. I have grown tired of waiting.”

  “Why would I start using dark magic, knowing you will kill me if I do?”

  “You won’t have a choice.” She reached up slowly and moved hair out of my eyes. “You need a haircut.” Her nails were sharpened like claws and the silver and gold rings on her slim fingers glittered in the dim light. Each of those rings held more than enough power to kill me. She then reached down and pulled the ties on my shirt loose.

  In my entire life, I had never learned how to change my mother’s mind. Begging just disgusted her, because that wasn’t proper behavior for a sorcerer. She slowly sliced the skin right over my heart with her nail. It was everything I could do not to make a sound. I was sweating, panting, and desperate.

  “Please, Mother, wait. I’ve never asked you for mercy before, so please hear me out this once. There is something I need to do. I promised to help my friend, and you taught me never to break a promise. Let me go, let me help him, and I will come back here. I won’t fight you.”

  She smiled cruelly. “Very well. I will return you to Magnus’s castle.”

  I wasn’t stupid enough to think that I was getting away that easy.

  “However, you may not be willing to break Merlin’s curse when the time comes.”

  “You know about Merlin?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then you know I’m willing to do whatever it takes to break his curse.”

  “Right now, you are.” She pulled out a crystal from her pocket and held it up for me to see. It looked exactly like the crystal that contained Livia’s dark magic, except it was clear all the way through. “This will change your mind.”

  “What is that?”

  “Just a crystal.” She then held out her hand and a raven flew from out of the darkness to land on her outstretched arm. When she sliced the raven’s chest with her nail like she had mine, the raven cawed and flapped his wings, but he didn’t fly away. The raven’s blood began dripping… outward, towards the crystal. It was absorbed into the crystal easily, and the blood dripped faster and faster until it was a stream of red. After a moment, drops of black combined with the red.

  The raven was slowly and grotesquely melting. With increasing speed, the large black bird was absorbed into the crystal. By the time she was done, the crystal was as black as the raven had been.

  “I thought you were going to let me go.”

  “I will never let you go. I only said I would return you to Magnus. As you use magic, the power of the raven’s blood will change you and poison your white magic. By the time it is done, you will be a true sorcerer, and then you will return to me of your own volition.”

  “I won’t use magic!”

  “Yes, you will, because you are going to forget all about the crystal.”

  “Then why did you tell me?”

  “It amuses me to see fear in your eyes.” She then pressed the crystal against the wound over my heart.

  Before my eyes, the crystal began to melt and drip into my wound, just like the raven had been absorbed into it. Each drop burned like fire and spread deeper through my body with every beat of my heart. It was one of the most painful experiences I had ever had and I was certain I would never forget it no matter how much magic my mother used.

  Behind her, my father shook his head.

  Then everything was dark.

  About the Author

  Rain Oxford is a teacher who has been writing for more than half of her life. She does most of her writing in a secluded cabin in the woods with a four-pound Maltese as a companion. When she’s not teaching or creating worlds, she usually enjoys cooking, playing the piano, or photographing exotic wildlife.

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  Books by Rain Oxford

  The Sorcerer’s Saga Book 1: The Sorcerer’s Quest

  The Sorcerer’s Saga Book 2: The Wizard’s Secret

  Elemental Book 1: Dark Waters

  Elemental Book 2: Hungry Earth

  Elemental Book 3: Furious Flames

  Elemental Book 4: Insidious Winds

  Elemental Book 5: Soul Guard

  The Guardian Book 1: The Guardian’s Grimoire

  The Guardian Book 2: The Dragon’s Eyes

  The Guardian Book 3: God of the Abyss

  The Guardian Book 4: The Demon’s Game

  The Guardian Book 5: The Wizard’s War